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Onda - Shockwave Therapy

Manufacturer: Physioled
Onda is a device designed for therapy with non-focal (radial) waves, which radically changes the therapeutic methodology for many musculoskeletal system conditions.
SKU: FIT04999
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Onda is a device designed for therapy with non-focal (radial) waves, which radically changes the therapeutic methodology for many musculoskeletal system conditions.

The shockwave technology involves generating an acoustic wave characterized by a high-energy peak, adjustable within a specific frequency range. A projectile is accelerated in the handpiece using an electromagnetic impulse, creating a mechanical pressure wave that is transferred to a specific area through tissue irradiation.

The mechanical energy induces biostimulatory reactions in tissues, positively influencing a wide range of orthopedic, physiotherapeutic, and pain-relief conditions.

Onda represents the best compromise between performance and practicality, delivering up to 185 mJ MAX (equivalent to approximately 6 bar in pneumatic systems) of energy with variable frequency, all in a compact design that maximizes portability. Additionally, it reduces painful sensations through better pressure wave distribution, allowing the operator to achieve improved therapeutic feedback.

The high-intensity delivery enables targeted action on tendon bone calcifications, enhancing the biological repair mechanism.

Therapeutic Indications

  • Hallux valgus (bunions)
  • Coxarthrosis
  • Epicondylitis / Epitrochleitis
  • Stress fractures caused by periostitis
  • Active periostitis
  • Rhizarthrosis
  • Tendinitis and tendinopathy
  • Tendoperiostitis


  • Energy: 60÷185 mJ
  • Operating modes: 4 modes (continuous/4/8/12 pulses)
  • Frequency: 1÷22 Hz
  • Power supply: 90-240 Vac / 50-60 Hz
  • Maximum output power: 250 VA
  • Applicators: 6/15/25 mm


  • 2 m power cable
  • Onda handpiece
  • 5 Onda handpiece protections
  • 6 mm tip for Onda handpiece
  • 15 mm tip for Onda handpiece
  • 25 mm tip for Onda handpiece
  • Single control pedal